at three and a half miss rylee grace is:
32 pounds (only 4 less than big sis)
wears size 4 or 5 or size 4/5 (gap) and size 9 1/2 shoes (only one size smaller than anna)
loves to sing: favorites lately: any christmas songs, we are never getting back together by taylor swift, call me maybe
loves gymnastics
loves playing barbies
still loves mickey mouse, but other interests are creeping in
is very excited to start preschool in the fall
still a pretty picky eater. likes bananas, apples, most all fruit, chicken(that's a new one!), chicken nuggets, hot dogs, cereal, pb&j
LOVES dessert of any kind...just about licks the bowl clean when she has ice cream
still calls bananas "bops"
loves dogs, especially our dogs, but doesnt like when they jump on her
doesnt like being asked to clean up
loves to give hugs and "princess kisses" (kisses on the hand)
loves to dress up
for the first time in a long time, Johnny took a Sunday off of work. We went to Bass Pro Shops (his choice of course!), but the girls love going there too becasue there acturally a lot to see and do...
then we had a yummy lunch at the cheesecake factory. note: we are big fans of the big bang theory, and so it cracked us up when we found items on the menu that characters on the show had ordered. I had totally figured that all of the stuff was made up, but it was so funny to find that they tied in real menu items in to the show. i really wanted johnny to ask if penny was working that day ;)
anna loved the HUGE "mini" corn dogs that she ordered off of the kids menu. she was bummed she could only finish one. no kidding though, these things were almost as big as a normal sized corn dog
taken with johnny's iphone 5 on the panorama setting...makes my camera phone photos look like crap! lol!
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